Painting color basics ( Poster Colors )

12:36:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Abstarct Art - Understanding Warm And Cool Colors

00:15:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments



Creating Color Wheel - Only With Using Basic Red, Yellow And Blue

00:13:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Understanding Warm And Cool Colors


Still Life Drawing - understanding Self Composition

00:03:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Still Life Drawing - Study of Cloth, Wood & Steel

00:01:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Still Life Drawing - Study Of Water

23:59:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Still Life Drawing - Garlic

23:56:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Prespective Drawings

23:51:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments


Prespective Drawings

23:30:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

One Point Perspective

The front plane of the object is directly in front of you, verticals parallel, and all lines of perspective meet at a single vanishing point on the horizon. Objects you draw in one point perspective are drawn face on.


Two Point Perspective

When an object or viewpoint is rotated and two sides of an object are angled away from your view, each side of the object has it’s own unique lines of perspective. You now must use two vanishing points, one for each plane of the surface in view with the vertical lines parallel.


Three Point Perspective

If your point of observation is higher or lower a third vanishing point comes into use. Think of looking up at tall skyscrapers and seeing three vertical sides angle to a third vanishing point, far distant, as they reach toward the sky. From the Worm’s Eye view (looking up) the upper vanishing point is called the Zenith. From the Bird’s Eye or Helicopter view (looking down) the lower vanishing point is called the Nadir.




Photography 002

08:46:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Wherever there is light, one can photograph.


Looking through my lens, I just wonder sometimes how beautiful the Earth is. All we have to do is find the right angle.


Hellboy - Illustration

10:44:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments



Pen Sketch - Save Girl Child

10:38:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

 Save Girl Child

“The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, The Procreator, The Mother Of Tomorrow; A Woman Shapes The Destiny Of Civilization. 
Such Is The Tragic Irony Of Fate, That A Beautiful Creation Such As The Girl Child Is Today One Of The Gravest Concerns Facing



Illustartion - Shiva Tandav

08:58:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Shiva Tandav

His neck, with thick forest-like locks of hair, holy by water flowing,
On his neck, as garland whom none pair, lofty snake is hanging,
His `Damaru’ drum with its Damat Damat Damat in air echoing,
Shiv - auspicious Tandava dances - may He prosperity be giving.



Illustration - Batman Dark Knight

08:52:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Batman Dark Knight

Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. 
Because he can take it. 
Because he's not our hero.



Oil Painting - Walk To Remember ( With Reference )

08:36:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Walk To Remember

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.” 



Acrylic Painting - Mother Nature

08:33:00 Nikhil N SHetty 0 Comments

Mother Nature

The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.
Mother Nature is always speaking. 
She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. Leopards, cobras, monkeys, rivers and trees; they all served as my teachers when I lived as a wanderer in the Himalayan foothills.

The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.
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The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.
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The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.
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The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.
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